Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wrong Place...

If there is one place you really don't want to be in, is to be in an ambulance stuck in Bangalore traffic. I have seen few times when an ambulance is trying to maneuver through the Bangalore traffic at peak hours and it is not making any progress. Last week, on the way to the airport, we were driving right behind an ambulance for more than 3 kms at snail pace(with a patient inside). Unfortunately, with all the construction and changes happening, the choices are restricted in terms on how much space a ambulance or any utility vehicle can get. I'm sure there have been a few lives lost because of this.

While construction is a good excuse, I'm sure there are some common-sense things a drivers on the road could do to at-least make sure the ambulance gets a priority on the way to its destination. I'm sure in  few years, we will see heli-lifts to dispatch patients to the emergency care.

Sometimes, I feel that army should be entrusted care of traffic for a a while to just drill discipline  & common-sense into the drivers and instill the fear of the devil if anyone breaks the rule :-). The pot-bellied traffic police manning the road don't really serve any cause.

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