Traffic stop in Bangalore (and I assume around India) is a pretty active place. Things which happen there are amazing.
- Folks take a break. Some even take their shoes/sandals off and take a stretch. Some very active junctions have a stop time close to 2 minutes.
- Pee-break - I don't need to explain what this is. It is pretty disgusting.
- Nose-digging - clean yourself up.
- Spit (and clear your throat). Disgusting, but we Indians are not really very conscious of our surroundings.
- Helmet-cleaning - if you are driving a two wheeler with a helmet on, it gets pretty hot inside (the helmet). So it is a time to cool-off and comb your hair.
- Vendors sell their wares -what better way to market to your customers. If you have shopped at a traffic junction, you know the margins on some of the items are incredibly high. Don't fall a prey, always bargain.
- Beggars knock on your windows (so tinted is better and you need to keep them rolled up). Beggars are OK if they are genuine, but irritating if you see them over and over again. If you have seen 'Slum Dog Millionaire' it shows an entire business built around begging.
- Count as the traffic display counts down to zero.
- Make that urgent phone call or answer that SMS.
- Wiggle around, vehicles wiggle around the traffic junction, so that they can be the first to be flagged out at the green. It always fascinates me on how people compete for space here - at the traffic junctions all rules are broken - you can go across into the other lane, wiggle from the left most lane to make a right turn etc.
- Stare around at your surrounding drivers and passengers.
- Ask for directions which is really common. Folks who ask about directions are usually a long long way off from their destination and the only legible answer you can give them in the couple of minutes is to politely ask them to turn right or left or head straight.